How to Get Rid of Sponges in a Reef Tank?

How to Get Rid of Sponges in a Reef Tank?

If you’re looking for how to get rid of sponges in your reef tank, you’ve come to the right place! While sponges can be beneficial to your tank and some aquarists attempt to add them to the tank, they have a habit of overgrowing coral and clogging up filtration systems down the road. You’re not … Read more

Why is My Sea Anemone Closed?

Why is My Sea Anemone Closed?

If you notice that your sea anemone is closed or closes for long periods of time, don’t freak out. Before you panic and think that your anemone is dying, it can be perfectly normal for your anemone to close. While some of the reasons can be bad, such as starvation, putting your anemone into a … Read more

Black Widow Anemone vs Rose Bubble Tip

Black Widow Anemone vs Rose Bubble Tip

Bubble Tip, or Bulb Tip, Anemones are some of the most beautiful creatures to have in a reef-friendly tank.  Their bright and unusual coloring with unique capabilities provides hours of gorgeous wonder and mystery. But, there are many different types of anemones out there.  Rose Bubble Tip and Black Widow Anemones are two species many … Read more

How Long Does It Take for a sea Anemone to Split?

How Long Does It Take for a sea Anemone to Split?

Anemones are unusual creatures that have some rare behaviors. They get their name from the anemone flower, giving them the moniker “flower of the sea.” They are amazing with vibrant color arrangements and beautiful tentacles, which give them their flower-like appearance. One of their unique behaviors is splitting. When you see an anemone begin to expand and separate, … Read more

What Do Brittle Stars Eat?

What Do Brittle Stars Eat?

Have you ever wondered what do brittle stars eat? These multiarmed close relatives to starfish have evolved to live at the bottom of the seas, and more than half of their species can be found at depths greater than 600 feet. Most of their species scavenge the sea bottoms feeding on decomposing organic matter produced … Read more

How to Get Rid of Spirorbid Worms?

How to Get Rid of Spirorbid Worms?

If you have built or purchased a young reef tank or saltwater aquarium for a while you will be enjoying the sight of a thriving micro marine ecosystem. Depending on how much care you take about making the conditions of it perfect, you will notice some changes in it. It will grow, age, and naturally … Read more

How Do You Get Rid of Medusa Worms?

How Do You Get Rid of Medusa Worms?

The best way to get rid of Medusa Worms from your tank, without disturbing any other part of the ecosystem, is to physically pluck each individual out of the tank. For smaller ones, it is recommended that you use a turkey baster to carefully remove them from the surface they are stuck to. For larger … Read more