Peppermint Shrimp vs Camel Shrimp: 7 Differences That You Need to Know!

Get to know the proper differences between both Camel shrimp and Peppermint shrimp. 

If you are practically a shrimp lover and wish to keep some of them in your reef tank, then you may have heard about the different variety of shrimps. 

Depending on various factors like habitat, food habits, appearance, and many more, shrimps are divided into different types. Yet, many times, two entirely different categories of shrimps are confused as one. For instance, Peppermint shrimp and Camel shrimp. 

Peppermint shrimp and Camel shrimp have similar appearances which cause confusion. However, there are some differences between them that set them apart. 

So, let’s take a look at Peppermint shrimp and Camel shrimp differences. 

1. Scientific Differences 

In the scientific nomenclature, both Peppermint shrimps and Camel shrimps have separate names and families. 

  • Camel Shrimp

Talking about the Camel shrimp, it is also known as Rhynchocinetes uritai. Moreover, this shrimp belongs to the Rhynchocinetidae family. 

Camel shrimp is also famous by other common names such as Camelback shrimp, Hinge Beak shrimp, as well as dancing shrimp. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp 

On the other hand, Peppermint shrimp is known as Lysmata wurdemanni. This kind of shrimp belongs to the Hippolytidae family. 

The Peppermint shrimp has several other common names too, including Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp, Candy Cane Shrimp, or Veined Shrimp. So, you can find them by these names too. 

2. Habitat and Origin

Both the Camel shrimp and Peppermint shrimp hail from different parts of the world (mostly tropical). This also brings about various differences between them. 

  • Camel Shrimp 

Talking about Camel shrimps, you will often find this kind of shrimp in the East Indian Ocean, Indonesia, East Pacific, and Australia too. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp 

Just like Camel shrimps, Peppermint shrimps are also more common in the tropical regions of the world. 

Hence, you will often find them in the East Atlantic ocean, near tropical areas like the Caribbean or Florida. Due to this reason, Peppermint shrimps are known as Caribbean Cleaner shrimps. 

3. Appearance and Body Patterns

One of the major reasons why Peppermint shrimps are confused with Camel shrimps is because of the similar appearance. 

Yet, if you dig in deeper, there are dissimilarities here too. 

  • Camel Shrimp 

If you notice a Camel shrimp, you will often find them to be extremely vivid due to their cherry-red color. However, that’s not all. These shrimps also consist of special markings like white stripes or dots. These patterns are extremely bright. 

The one drastic difference in the appearance of Peppermint shrimp and Camel shrimp is the presence of a camel-like hump in the latter one. Hence, Camel shrimps are known as Camelback shrimps too. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp

Contrarily, Peppermint shrimps don’t have a hump on their body. 

However, just like Camel shrimps, these ones also have special markings and patterns. Here too, keep in mind that the patterns aren’t as white as seen in Camel shrimp. 

Instead, they are of red and white color because of which they give a candy cane appearance. So, this is why Peppermint shrimps are also known as ‘candy cane shrimps’. 

4. Social Nature 

Knowing the social nature of your shrimp can help you determine whether you can keep them in an aquarium or not. 

  • Camel Shrimps

When it comes to Camel shrimps, then we can say that they’re quite peaceful. As they are social too, they can mix well with the other organisms of your tank. Even though they are friendly, they mostly prefer to stick with organisms who are of the same species. 

However, keep in mind that these shrimps shouldn’t be kept in reef tanks as they often feed on soft corals, polyps, and sea anemones too. Hence, prevent them from keeping in one. 

  • Peppermint Shrimps 

On the other hand, Peppermint shrimps go on the aggressive side. 

Hence, if you’re planning to get some for your tank, ensure that you only get a few of them. It is because they can get quite aggressive and cause harm to the other creatures. 

Moreover, just like Camel shrimps, Peppermint shrimps are also not good for reef tanks. It is because they may feed on corals and sea anemones. 

5. Food and Nutrient Requirements 

Talking about the food and nutrient requirements, both Peppermint shrimp and Camel shrimp are carnivores. 

  • Camel Shrimp 

Keep in mind that even though Camel shrimps are carnivores, in captivity, they act as omnivores too. It is largely because they pick and feed on the waste materials or debris present near the bottom of the tank. 

Yet, keep in mind that providing them with proper food items like plankton, pellets, and clams can enrich their body with essential nutrients. 

Now, they are also carnivorous as they feed on soft coral, polyps, and other such organisms. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp 

On the other hand, Peppermint shrimp may also feed on the waste materials and debris present at the bottom of the tank. 

However, they’re largely carnivorous which is why providing them with fish is a suitable choice. You can also consider Aiptasia anemones as these shrimps tend to feed on them. 

6. Breeding 

The breeding methods of Camel shrimps and Peppermint shrimps differ largely too. Here’s why:

  • Camel Shrimp

In the case of Camel shrimps, there is a segregation of genders. Hence, you’ll find both male and female Camel shrimps. 

Usually, after six to twenty hours of the mating process, the female Camel shrimp produces eggs which she, then, keeps in her abdomen. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp

On the other hand, Peppermint shrimps are hermaphrodites. Hence, there’s no segregation. So, you’ll find both the male and female sexual organs in one organism itself. 

7. Tank Compatibility 

Lastly, depending on the social nature of both organisms, let’s see the tank compatibility of the shrimps. 

  • Camel Shrimp

As Camel shrimps are friendly in nature, they can pretty much go well with all kinds of fish and invertebrates. For example, you can go for clownfishes or tangs. 

  • Peppermint Shrimp 

Even though Peppermint shrimps may get aggressive, they can still bond well with other aquatic organisms like tetras, grunts, dragonets, etc. 

Final Thoughts 

To conclude, even though Peppermint shrimps and Camel shrimps have sort of a similar appearance, they are quite different. You must have noted that they are different in almost everything, from their scientific origin to their habits to their breeding too. 


  • Integrative taxonomy of the ornamental ‘peppermint’ shrimp public market and population genetics of Lysmata boggessi, the most heavily traded species worldwide by J. Antonio Baezacorresponding, and Donald C. Behringer
  • Effects of predation and habitat structure on the abundance and population structure of the rock shrimp Rhynchocinetes typus (Caridea) on temperate rocky reefs by Nicolas C. Ory, D. Dudgeon, C. P. Dumont, L. Miranda & M. Thiel
  • The Biological Bulletin by Kenneth M. Halanych, Auburn University, Alabama
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