Are Nitrates Bad In Reef Tank?

Are Nitrates Bad In Reef Tank?

Nitrates are generally considered to be bad in reef tanks because they can contribute to the growth of algae. However, some reef tanks actually rely on nitrates to help maintain a healthy balance. In these cases, it is important to monitor nitrate levels closely and make sure they do not get too high. What are … Read more

Can pH Be Too High In Reef Tank?

Can Ph Be Too High In Reef Tank?

A reef tank is a marine aquarium that features live corals and other marine invertebrates. The water in a reef tank is typically more alkaline than in a fish-only aquarium, and the level of dissolved carbon dioxide is usually kept low. A reef tank typically has a higher pH than a fish-only aquarium. Can high … Read more

Can I Use Distilled Water For Reef Tank?

Can I Use Distilled Water For Reef Tank?

Yes, you can use distilled water for a reef tank, but it is not recommended because it does not contain the necessary minerals and nutrients for the reef tank. Are there any downsides to using distilled water for a reef tank? There are a few potential downsides to using distilled water for a reef tank. … Read more

Where Do Phosphates Come From In A Reef Tank?

Where Do Phosphates Come From In A Reef Tank?

Phosphates are typically introduced into reef tanks through the use of phosphate-rich foods, such as fish food or marine algae. Phosphates can also be introduced through the use of certain chemicals, such as phosphate-based cleaners. In some cases, phosphates may also be present in the tap water used to fill the reef tank. Where do … Read more

High Magnesium in Reef Tank, How to Lower & Maintaining Proper Levels?

High Magnesium in Reef Tank, How to Lower & Maintaining Proper Levels?

Magnesium is something every reef tank needs, and it is important to achieve the proper levels, or you could end up experiencing problems with your plants and aquatic wildlife. Low levels of magnesium tend to be the culprit in these cases, but high levels should also be monitored. Hobbyists usually strive to maintain magnesium levels … Read more