Japanese Toadstool Coral Care – Placement, Food, and Lighting

Japanese Toadstool Coral, also known as the Japanese Neon Green Toadstool, is relatively easy to care for. It is a leather coral, meaning it is a soft coral, that has a neon green body and white stalk tips. Some kinds of Japanese Toadstool Coral have long tentacles while others have short tentacles.

The Japanese Toadstool Coral is a very expensive, high-end coral, so you want to make sure it thrives by providing the right conditions.

If you have purchased or plan to purchase a Japanese Toadstool Coral, you may be wondering the best way to take care of it. This article discusses the Japanese Toadstool Coral and how to care for it.

About the Japanese Toadstool Coral

The Japanese Toadstool Coral is one of the most popular soft corals in the aquarium world. It gets its name from its large, mushroom-shaped body. They are found in the islands of the Indo-Pacific. More specifically, they are found in Tonga, Fiji, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Solomon Islands.

This kind of coral prefers modest lighting and a strong water flow. When in the right conditions, the Japanese Toadstool Coral can grow fairly large.

Toadstool corals host clownfish. If you have clownfish in your tank, you may find that they gravitate towards this kind of coral more than other kinds. The Japanese Toadstool Coral is well adapted to handle contact with clownfish.

Do Japanese Toadstool Coral need to be acclimated?

Yes, the Japanese Toadstool Coral needs to be acclimated to your tank conditions. Once it is acclimated and has attached itself to the substrate, it will begin to extend its tentacles.

You can use a rubber band or tie rod to keep it where you want it until it eventually attaches itself to the surface you placed it on.

Following the proper acclimation, steps can help your coral thrive in its new environment.

  1. Turn off lights. Overexposure to light after being shipped in the dark can shock your corals.
  2. Empty the containers into a larger container. To acclimate new coral, pour the container and the coral into a tub that is slightly larger.
  3. Add half a cup of your established aquarium water to the container every few minutes. For best results, add water slowly. Corals are very sensitive to water conditions. This step should not take longer than a half-hour.
  4. Pest control dip. You don’t have to do this step, but it is a great way to reduce hitchhikers and parasites that may find their way into your aquarium. Pet stores offer products like Coral Rx and Lugol’s Iodine for pest control coral dipping. You can also buy it online.
  5. Place your coral in your tank. After your coral has been acclimated, you can now put your coral in a place in your tank that will allow it to receive the correct water flow and lighting. Give your coral a few days to fully adjust to your tank.

Where should I place my Japanese Toadstool Coral?

The Japanese Toadstool coral can be placed just about anywhere in your tank. They can be acclimated to different tank placements as well as lighting conditions.

One thing to keep in mind when placing your Japanese Toadstool Coral in your tank is how close it is to other coral. Because this type of coral sheds a waxy layer once a month, the shed layer could fall on another coral and damage or even kill it.

What lighting does Japanese Toadstool Coral need?

When it comes to lighting, different corals need different amounts based on if they are adapted to shallow waters or deep waters. The Japanese Toadstool Coral is a deep-water coral, so it does not need as much light as shallow-water corals.

You can keep your Toadstool coral under normal fluorescents. The Japanese Toadstool Coral is adapted to low to moderate levels of lighting. However, if you have other corals that need high levels of lighting, you can acclimate your Japanese Toadstool to stronger lighting conditions.

What water flow do Japanese Toadstool Coral need?

Japanese Toadstool Coral needs moderate water movement, but they do well in high water flow as well. Water flow is important in the care of the Japanese Toadstool Coral because it sheds a waxy layer about once a month. Water flow is essential in this routine shedding.

What food do Japanese Toadstool Coral need?

It is not necessary to feed a Japanese Toadstool Coral. They make their own food from the light. However, Toadstool Coral, like other leather corals, benefit from coral feeding products as well as phytoplankton and microfauna.

To help your Japanese Toadstool Coral thrive, you can feed them once a week. You can alternate types of food every other week.

What water conditions are best for the Japanese Toadstool Coral?

The Japanese Toadstool Coral prefers a temperature between 25 and 27 degrees Celsius (77 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit).

As for water chemistry, calcium levels should be between 420 and 440 ppm. Alkalinity should be between 8 and 9.5 dkh or 7-8 if you are carbon dosing, and magnesium levels should be between 1260 and 1350 ppm.

Nitrate levels should be below 10 ppm. If your nitrate levels rise above 10 ppm, you should do a water change. This type of coral benefits from frequent water changes. Completing water changes every two weeks can help your Japanese Toadstool thrive.

Phosphates should be below .10 ppm. If phosphate levels rise above .10 ppm, you should replace your phosphate media.

Japanese Toadstool corals are high-end corals that can be expensive. Therefore, you want to take care of it as best you can. Luckily, this type of coral is hardy and easy to care for, whether you are a beginner or an advanced reef keeper. For the best results, you must properly acclimate your Japanese Toadstool to your tank’s water. Be careful not to shock your coral by exposing it to bright lighting or new water conditions suddenly. The slower you introduce new water and brighter lights, the better.

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